Belgium to Genoa

8 augustus 2014 - Genoa, Italië

Finally.... we made it!

Later than planned, but we arrived at 1 am in the hotel.

We had some obstacles on the way but no serious problems that we, independent women, couldn't handle ;)

I do wanna give a quick shoutout to the guy from the car rental place.
At first we weren't happy with the car that he gave us. He said it was an upgrade but to us women it was just ugly AF!
BUT, as usual, don't judge a book by  it's cover... we have much more space than the initial car we booked and it's very smooth on the road... German quality :)

About the hotel I can't say much yet since we arrived and went straight to our room. It doesn't really matter anyway because tomorrow morning we will already be checking out. And what happens then I'll tell you later......

Sweet dreams! XxX

