Vinyards of Chianti

13 augustus 2014 - Greve in Chianti, Italië

Today at noon we left our hotel in Florence to head on to our next stop...Rome!!!
But not without making a small detour through the vinyards of Chianti :))))

We were supposed to rent some scooters to drive through the vinyards but there were none left. We probably should have made reservations for this. So we wanted to go for plan B, electrical bikes..... But when we arrived at Greve In Chianti it soon became clear that we would just be driving on the main road (many curves and steep cliffs) where also the cars would be driving and it was impossible to really drive through the vinyards itself. So to make sure we get back to Belgium in one piece, we decided not to take any risks and just drive through the area with our beloved car.
We also went to a small local restaurant in Panzano In Chianti for our lunch. They had amazing food and of course they also sold the local wines. Inge and Janna tried some but I stuck to sodas.... as usual ;)

After our trip through the vinyards we left the Tuscan area and headed on to Rome. 
Our hotel is just outside of Rome so after checking in we went to a local restaurant for dinner. And that was all for the day. I'm really curious for what tomorrow will bring!

Sleep tight! XxX

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1 Reactie

  1. Kelly:
    15 augustus 2014
    Tis een feestdag vandaag, dus eindelijk de tijd gehad om de reisblog te lezen: echt een zalige reisblog, super leuk geschreven! Ik heb bijna het idee dak erbij ben ;)
    En de zaligste video is zonder twijfel de 360° ;D
    Veel plezier nog!